Mighty Otter Surfboards

Fun Waves

Point Made Thumb, Indo 2019
Rippable to solid faces over fast reef at 5ft / 16sec

Huevo Nuevo, Alaia Bay 2022 ©MOS

Curvey and wedgy faces on a artificial break at T2

Point Made, Portugal Summer 2020 ©PedroMestre
Rippable end-section on a medium-fast moving point at 5ft / 15sec

G.Rip, Maldives 2021 ©AlexPapis
Rippable Faces on a fast moving point at 6ft / 14sec

Curvey Fish, WakeParadise Milano 2020
A rippable artificial rapid at very fast water flow

Huevo Nuevo, Algarve 2021 ©Brek
Slopey Faces on a medium fast moving beachie at 3ft / 8sec

Mrs. Sandy Bottom, Ebensee 2021 ©MatzeRied
A wedgy semi-natural rapid medium fast water flow

The Mothership, Open Atlantic 2020©Mr.Miguel
Solid waves on a very fast moving point at 6ft / 16sec

The Bachelor, Maldives 2019 ©AlexPapis
A solid reform on a medium paced reef at 3ft / 12sec

The Snapper, Eisbach 2018 ©AntjeFuentelsatz
A wedgy semi-natural rapid at fast water flow

Captain Cosy, Eisbach 2021

A wedgy semi-natural rapid at medium to fast water flow


The Mighty Otter

Surfing and Rapid Surfing are fun. It is as easy as that to us. We are a bunch of average Euros with the beyond average goal to actually enjoy our time in the water. Hence all of the shapes we develop and use have a few simple ideas engrained. We want easy handling, a touch more volume and a vivid personality enriching your surfing reality. Simply because yours is most likely our reality too. A selfish approach and thus essentially surfing.

High performance shortboards are cool, but so are single fins, fishes, twinnies, thrusters and quads in all sizes, volumes and outlines. We want to experience all of them, find new lines on waves and rapids, experience the full diversity in shape-concepts available, grow as surfers, catch a ton of waves more and leave serious surfing to serious people… since they might really need it. We are the Otter people surfing. Just give it a try, you’re gonna be good.
Fun Shapes Fun Waves!