The Snapper
Lukas’ HP Hybrid
Lukas Brunner is one of the most technically profound and stylish rapid surfers. He asked for an ocean inspired hybrid to go to the next level.
And so the Flying Fish got turned into the snapper. A shape to be pushed from the back foot straight into the lip. Quick snap at the top, quick redirect at the bottom. A single concave over moderate rockers, and some nice release found in the combination of a bit of Vee off the tail and a winger breaking up the rail line right over the fins. Add a rounded squash and you’ll get the pop Lukas is looking for when on rapids or in small waves. A bit more work required with the Snapper but surely a bunch more performance and aggressiveness achieved.
This shape is for skilled surfers and rapid surfers, preferably the light footed ones. It will be the choice when waves get good and rapids flow strongly. Well-tuned to a good Eisbach, powerful artificial rapids or a pushy little beach break asking for quick changes in direction.
Spot Check
This thing wants to go and snap bit by bit from the lip.
Forecast: 2ft to 5ft / 8 to 12 seconds
Break speed: medium to fast
Break types: Beachies
Rapid flow: fast to very fast
Rapid types: semi-natural and artificial
Style & Fitting
Push this shape from the tail and aim for the lip, Shredder.
For Surfing & Rapid Surfing
Skill level: Experienced to Charger
Surf it: – 2” your size
Rapid Skill: Fit & Advanced to Charger
Rapid Sizing: – 8” to -5” off your size
Not happy with these standards? Customizations are welcome!
Construction: PU, Rapid PU, EPS, Rapid EPS
Fin set up: Thruster
Tail shape: Rounded Squash
Foil: Full performance
Concaves: Single