FOR Travelers

The Stubby Mid is designed for surfers embarking on an extended journey with a single board. Ample paddle power and a relatively short outline for a midlength-category board inject twin-like sensations into a wide range of waves and break types.

The concept behind this shape is to prioritize generating drive and cruising on a classic deep line with substantial planing speed. This approach not only benefits your surfing experience but also enhances your local reputation when securing a spot amidst competitive line-ups as a skilled visitor. The twin fin setup provides necessary hold during bottom turns, while the comparably subtle concave in the tail facilitates lip release. This means you can handle impactful maneuvers or execute exquisite roundhouses when the conditions demand.

Fine-tuning is achieved through the choice of fin setup. Opt for half keels or wide twin fins if you intend to ride flatter waves. For steeper faces and larger waves with heightened pressure, the board transforms into a precision instrument with twin fins featuring slightly more rake and less base.

Spot Check

Wherever you surf it – turn deep!

Forecast: 2 ft plus / 8 sec. plus

Break Speed: slow to fast

Break Types: all types

Rapid Flow: … nah

Rapid Types: you might try it on open rivers but actually… nah.

Style & Fit

Push the tail to climb the face, make heavy use of the rail sport!

For Surfing

Skill-öevel: Intermediate to charger

Surfe it: your body height +2’’ or more

Rapid skill: …

Rapid sizing: Custom dims


Fancy some other dims? Go Custom!

Construction: PU

Fin set-up: True Twin

Tail-shape: Squash

Foil: Full Performance

Concaves: Double to Vee


Makes Things Easy

Think of a shortboard and a classic egg being blended to create something new. A new egg, a Huevo Nuevo – fit for all skill levels.

Surfing eggs is so much fun. and it ain’t matter whether it’s your first time surfing a hard board in Moliets on the French Atlantic Coast or a good point in Portugal, which has power and fast sections. Fitness is secondary when you paddling for waves on the Huevo Nuevo. After the take off it is time to cruise and to direct the board through big turns and trim through the wave. The length of the shape establishes stability, drive and an easy handling for all levels. The wide point is pushed back and allows good surfers to navigate the board through sections like a shortboard. The rounded-pin tail turns the board on a dime. Huevo Nuevo, it’s a new feeling!

The Huevo Nuevo is an egg shape designed for all skill-levels. It combines a smooth glide, volume and stability with a smooth tail block. For fast progression beginners should order the board considerably taller their body-height. For advanced surfers it works in all sizes – we guarantee you it will fill a void in your quiver that wanted to be filled for a long time.

This shape likes to go to Sri Lanka, France, Portugal, the Mediterranean and the North- and Baltic Sea.

Spot Check

Thrust through green faces after a foam party take-off.

Forecast: 2ft plus / 6 seconds plus

Break speed: slow to medium

Break types: Just go!

Rapid flow: Slow to fast

Rapid types: Open river

Style & Fit

Push this shape from the tail and aim for the lip, Shredder.

For Surfing (& Rapid Surfing)

Skill level: Beginner to Charger

Surf it: +6’’ your size or more

Rapid Skill: Fit & Advanced to Charger

Rapid Sizing: +6’’ your size or more


Not happy with these standards? Customizations are welcome!

Construction: PU

Fin set up: Thruster

Tail shape: Rounded Pin

Foil: Boxy

Concaves: Single to double to vee

The Pelican


The Pelican has got a big beak and is a greedy one. Enjoy a majestic glide off the top of the point, catch a ton of waves but please resist paddling on everybody’s outside inside.

This shape has been a development based on our experience with the Granturismo series. It offers the glide of a single fin mid yet is a touch more versatile due to the +2 side bite fin option. This will help you to get going in quicker waves and support backhand approaches. A great paddler for sure, the Pelican will help you to catch a lot of waves and improve on your lines and railgame. No need to think in “as small as possible” ways. The tail block is quite pinny, to control the lift and manage more powerful waves. It can be surfed as a single fin in high quality point breaks, or tuned to mushy stuff with a thruster or 2 + 1 set up. 

We think it works best though, when surfed with trailers and the single fin positioned for the size of wave you are facing. What do you think? Or choose? Whichever way you go, think TC, think “… Pelican!”, allow the shape to work for you and don‘t oversurf it.

Spot Check

Turns burgers into fun and offers drive when needed.

Forecast: 3ft plus / 8 seconds plus

Break speed: slow to fast

Break types: just go!

Rapid flow: nope, not really

Rapid Types: nope… maybe on an open river

Style & Fit

 Glide it! Position your feet freely and let the volume work for you.

For Surfing

Skill level: Intermediate to Charger

Surf it: your size +8’’ or more

Rapid Skill: nope

Rapid Sizing: nope


Not happy with these standards? Customizations are welcome!

Construction: PU

Fin set up: Single + side bites

Tail shape: Pin

Foil: Full Performance

Concaves: Single to Double to Vee


Turns shoulders into race tracks.

This all-round twin fin combines a very user-friendly handling with amazing drive, hold, stability and release where needed. Go race it!

With the GT2, we provide paddle comfort and stability during take-off in waves up to head high, without compromising on tight turns and the path to the lip. The GT2 features mid-sized board dimensions and the associated high board volume, combined with unusually deep concaves and rocker. The twin fin set-up is positioned closer to that of a thruster (than a twin spread), but forgoes the center fin for added looseness. Large sized twin fins and the extra foam will provide plenty of drive. In combination, this results in a shape that accelerates exceptionally well during take-off and can be pushed both forehand and backhand. For more release, you can order the GT2 as a squash, while those seeking more hold on the wave face can opt for the rounded pin.

We surfed the new GT2 in the summer and fall of 2023 at beach breaks and points along the European Atlantic coast. And even on days when the waves weren’t at their best, after intense sessions, or following late nights – the GT2 was a standout performer!

Spot Check

Early in, early on… bang bang!

Forecast: 2-6ft / 6 seconds plus

Break speed: slow to fast

Break types: Just go!

Rapid flow: nope

Rapid types: nope

Style & Fit

Carve this board from the board center and use the full length of rail to make speed.

For Surfing

Skill level: Intermediate to Charger

Surf it: your size +8’’ or more recommended

Rapid Skill: nope

Rapid Sizing: nope


Not happy with these standards? Customizations are welcome!

Construction: PU

Fin set up: Twin fin

Tail shape: Rounded Pin & Squash

Foil: Pinched Performance

Concaves: Double to Vee

Euro race tracks…

but also likes Indo.


High Line Performance

The Granturismo is a shape fit for the big tracks and surfers who wish to surf them in style and with ease. It combines performance aspects with the volume-up comfort of a single fin – Granturismo it is!

This single fin surfboard design allows you to surf bigger waves from a very relaxed stance. „Drive“ has been the most dominant idea for this model. So expect volume, length and a six channel bottom to work for you while you experience an almost dragless glide of a single fin. Given „late“ is your thing, we have added a touch more scoop into the nose to make take offs when going for steep waves. The extra volume helps for all things “early” too. So get up, set the rail, get it tracking along the steeps and wait for the shoulder to open up for big turns and carves.

The Granturismo is a high-volume shape which puts “solid” to your skill-set. It will keep carving-aficionados busy, works as a step up for longboarders and (as a) everyday workhorse for good snowboarders and skateboard-longboarders. If finding a good line is yours, you‘ll love this shape.

Surf this board in Morocco, Indo, South Africa, Australia, Europe… especially when conditions are big but not shortboard-perfect. It will make it fun for you.

Spot Check

Glide over flats and track along the steeps… enjoy Grantourism.

Forecast: 3 to 5ft plus / 10 seconds plus

Break speed: slow to fast

Break types: Points and reefs

Rapid flow: nope

Rapid Types: nah… well you can give it a try.

Style & Fitting

Glide it! Position your feet freely and let the volume work for you.

For Surfing (& Rapid Surfing)

Skill level: Intermediate to Charger

Surf it: your size +10’’ or more

Rapid Skill: nope

Rapid Sizing: nope…


Not happy with these standards? Customizations are welcome!

Construction: PU

Fin set up: Single fin

Tail shape: Diamond

Foil: Full performance

Concaves: Single to vee (6 channel bottom)