The Stint


The Stint

Connect small sections quickly

Order form

Cheers to ordering a new surfboard! One of the few days of the year where spirits are pitched high by delusion and all reality is abandoned up until the first surf. You'll love it for sure - mind the Mighty Otter.

Use & Skill

Please provide the requested info below so we can double-check for you to get the maximum out of this shape. If something should read really off, we will get back to you.

Use *

Skill Level

Your Weight (kg)

Your Height (cm)

Name to Stringer

(25 characters max)

Dims & Specials

Choose your dimensions, preferred construction and fin system. For custom wishes in dimensions, please choose and provide your input. By choosing this option your order will be transformed into a request.

Dimensions *

Fin system


So far so good?

Design & Color

Bei PU und Rapid PU machen wir auch Farbe aufs Brett. Such' Dir einen Style aus und sag uns in welchen MTN Farben Du diesen Style sehen willst. Hier gibt's die aktuellen MOS Styles zur Übersicht. Einen MTN Farbfächer findest Du hier. Deine Farb-Priorität läuft von 1 nach 4. Wenn es für Dich weniger Farbe in einem Style braucht, dann lass einfach ein Feld frei.

Brand logo wishes

Brand logo wishes are free of charge as we always give our best to make them happen but cannot guarantee. If a specific logo is a must for you, please make it a custom design.

Order total: